Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

[W559.Ebook] Download Ebook Entry Strategies for International Markets, by Franklin R. Root

Download Ebook Entry Strategies for International Markets, by Franklin R. Root

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Entry Strategies for International Markets, by Franklin R. Root

Entry Strategies for International Markets, by Franklin R. Root

Entry Strategies for International Markets, by Franklin R. Root

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Entry Strategies for International Markets, by Franklin R. Root

Sage Advice on Going Global

Root's perspective is extremely insightful, and clearly the work of one who knows his topics from personal experience. It encapsulates what some of us have taken decades to learn through trial and error.
--Larry D. Bouts, president, International Division, Toys-R-Us, Inc.

The North American Free Trade Agreement, the new European common market, and the opening of Eastern Europe--among other recent geopolitical developments--have created unprecedented opportunities for American companies seeking to enter foreign markets. This guide offers executives practical advice, recently updated and expanded, on deciding which markets to enter, choosing a product for international distribution, designing an entry strategy, and developing an effective international marketing plan.

  • Sales Rank: #1860447 in Books
  • Published on: 1998-10-16
  • Released on: 1998-10-02
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x .75" w x 6.10" l, .70 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 288 pages

From the Back Cover

Praise for Entry Strategies for International Markets, Revised and Expanded

"To a generation of students and readers, Franklin Root has been known as the leading authority on the international entry strategies of companies. His new edition represents the latest word on an evolving and complex subject. Professor Root offers recent examples of company practices and greater detail on the complexities of global integration. Both practitioners and academics will find a wealth of useful information and valuable insights."
—FAROK J. CONTRACTOR,Rutgers University

"Breakthrough advice for international executives. Loaded with useful examples. Must reading."
—DAVIDA. HEENAN,President and CEO, Thea. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.

About the Author

FRANKLIN R. ROOT is professor emeritus of international management at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business and past president of the Academy of International Business and of the International Trade and Finance Association. He also does extensive consulting work for businesses and government agencies throughout the United States and around the world.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Almost a step by step guide.
By Peter Missine
The book encompasses many of the dilemmas that businesses find when going international. Its approach is somewhat long in a few points, but overall its a very good book and can almost be used as a step by step guide for business students.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Overall good practical book
By Nate
This book is more of a how to rather than a book for lecture. This was one of the only enjoyable parts of the entering foreign markets class I took.

See all 2 customer reviews...

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Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

[U231.Ebook] Ebook Goodbye to a River: A Narrative, by John Graves

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Goodbye to a River: A Narrative, by John Graves

Goodbye to a River: A Narrative, by John Graves

Goodbye to a River: A Narrative, by John Graves

Ebook Goodbye to a River: A Narrative, by John Graves

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Goodbye to a River: A Narrative, by John Graves

In the 1950s, a series of dams was proposed along the Brazos River in north-central Texas. For John Graves, this project meant that if the stream’s regimen was thus changed, the beautiful and sometimes brutal surrounding countryside would also change, as would the lives of the people whose rugged ancestors had eked out an existence there. Graves therefore decided to visit that stretch of the river, which he had known intimately as a youth.

Goodbye to a River is his account of that farewell canoe voyage. As he braves rapids and fatigue and the fickle autumn weather, he muses upon old blood feuds of the region and violent skirmishes with native tribes, and retells wild stories of courage and cowardice and deceit that shaped both the river’s people and the land during frontier times and later. Nearly half a century after its initial publication, Goodbye to a River is a true American classic, a vivid narrative about an exciting journey and a powerful tribute to a vanishing way of life and its ever-changing natural environment.

  • Sales Rank: #78511 in Books
  • Published on: 2002-07-09
  • Released on: 2002-07-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .70" w x 5.20" l, .70 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 320 pages

“John Graves’s writing is invaluable. . . . The reader who misses Graves will have missed much.” --Larry McMurtry

“As you read, you have the feeling that the whole colorful, brutal tapestry of the Lone Star State is being unrolled for you out of the biography of this one stream.” —The Atlantic Monthly

“Graves’ originality and flair turn this local scene and regional lore into an hoest and powerfully evocative picture of frontier life anywhere.” —The Chicago Sunday Tribune

“One of the most pleasing books I’ve ever read. I love the way it weaves together remote history, not so remote history, present events, and landscape.”—Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, author of The Hidden Life of Dogs

From the Publisher
7 1.5-hour cassettes

From the Inside Flap
In the 1950s, a series of dams was proposed along the Brazos River in north-central Texas. For John Graves, this project meant that if the stream's regimen was thus changed, the beautiful and sometimes brutal surrounding countryside would also change, as would the lives of the people whose rugged ancestors had eked out an existence there. Graves therefore decided to visit that stretch of the river, which he had known intimately as a youth.
Goodbye to a River" is his account of that farewell canoe voyage. As he braves rapids and fatigue and the fickle autumn weather, he muses upon old blood feuds of the region and violent skirmishes with native tribes, and retells wild stories of courage and cowardice and deceit that shaped both the river's people and the land during frontier times and later. Nearly half a century after its initial publication, Goodbye to a River is a true American classic, a vivid narrative about an exciting journey and a powerful tribute to a vanishing way of life and its ever-changing natural environment.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Good reading
By Ruth Jones
Not the kind of book I usually read, but I'm soon going on the Brazos River and had heard about this book. The author writes in a conversational, sometimes cowboy sort of style, about his trip down the Brazos River and camping out of his canoe. He interjects a lot of stories from the days of the Comanches and pioneers. It's very interesting to hear about a particular skirmish that occurred near the spot that you're going to visit. Very colorful. Good reading.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A Must Read ! 5 Stars Is Not Enough !
By 5050ranch
What an incredibly good read. John Graves narrative is an astounding lesson in history, ecology and philosophy, with a command of the English language that borders on meditative poetry. Astoundingly scholarly yet it's easy, relaxing, serene, as well as entertaining and educational. You can see, feel and smell the river and environs as you "turn off your mind and float downstream" (apologies to the Beatles). You best be well read to catch all the off hand and subtlety casual literary references he makes at times, what a sheer delight and added spice to his prose. Shakespearean and Audubon like in nature at times Graves adds a strong dash of "cedar chopper/hunter/story teller" at others. There is an amazing array of characters past and present, chilling stories of Comanche's and settlers and modern day inhabitants, peaceful days and dangerous stormy weather that instill action and fire into an otherwise serene trip downstream. Graves multifaceted personality and writing style is uncommonly literary and readable at the same. This is an amazing book, to be savored a few pages at time, read slowly and enjoyed, just like Graves' lazy trip down the river in his canoe.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Goodbye to a Lifestye
By BlasterMaster
John Graves will eventually be remembered as a 20th century Mark Twain. A through and
through Texan, but with an unusual sensitivity to nuance and nature, capable of capturing in
words sentiments that move and inspire the reader.

I once complained to Texas Monthly magazine that they were not publishing enough of his work and
much to my surprise, an assistant editor contacted me and arranged for me to meet Mr. Graves
at a book signing event. I was not disappointed as a some what wizened, sun burned gent eyed me
over while offering his gnarled hand. I related to him
how as a youngster I too had traveled down a favorite "creek" that was soon to be lost under the
flood waters of a new dam. He listened carefully and muttered about progress destroying nature.
I left with his signature and warm wishes, and have read everything he has published.

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Goodbye to a River: A Narrative, by John Graves PDF

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Goodbye to a River: A Narrative, by John Graves PDF

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

[Z150.Ebook] PDF Download Jim Brickman -- , by Heart: Piano Solos (New Age), by Jim Brickman

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Jim Brickman -- , by Heart: Piano Solos (New Age), by Jim Brickman

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Jim Brickman -- , by Heart: Piano Solos (New Age), by Jim Brickman

Jim Brickman is one of the hottest New Age composers and performers in the industry today. Titles: All I Ever Wanted
* Angel Eyes
* By Heart
* If You Believe
* In a Lover's Eyes
* Lake Erie Rainfall
* Little Star
* Looking Back
* Nothing Left to Say
* On the Edge
* Sudden Inspiration
* Where Are You Now?

  • Sales Rank: #914491 in Books
  • Brand: WB
  • Model: 00-PF9542
  • Published on: 1996-01-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .32" h x 9.04" w x 11.88" l, .59 pounds
  • Binding: Sheet music
  • 72 pages
  • .

From the Publisher
Jim Brickman is one of the hottest new age composers and performers in the industry today. Titles include: All I Ever Wanted * Angel Eyes * By Heart * If You Believe * In a Lover's Eyes * Lake Erie Rainfall * Little Star * Looking Back * Nothing Left to Say * On the Edge * Sudden Inspiration * Where Are You Now?

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Da Wubsome Wubie
They did a pretty good job at matching the sheet music to the songs on the CD. It has great songs on it, all filled with alot of emotion. To all those guys out there, fyi the Ladies go gaa gaa over these songs they have alot of feeling in them

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Mu Opinion
By A Customer
I think this book shows a lot of feelings when you play this. I'd strongly recommend this book if you're an advaned piano player

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Birthday present for sister
By Ryan Merrick
I bought this piano book for my sister who wanted 'challenging but playable' music in this style. She told me that it fit perfectly!

See all 4 customer reviews...

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Home is Where the Heart Is: Studies in Melodrama and the Woman's FilmFrom Brand: British Film Institute

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Home is Where the Heart Is: Studies in Melodrama and the Woman's FilmFrom Brand: British Film Institute

Since the early 70s, film theory has focused on melodrama as a particularly challenging genre. Feminism, in particular, has claimed a stake in re-examination of the form, raising many critical questions about the relation between gender and culture. This collection contains the most exciting contributions from nearly two decades of critical endeavor to come to terms with these questions. Christine Gledhill's overview precedes essays that range from classics by Thomas Elsaesser, Laura Mulvey, and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith to newly commissioned perspectives covering Hollywood's output from the early 20s to the 60s. Home is Where the Heart Is constitutes invaluable reading for anyone interested in the role of melodrama in the history of cinema, feminist film criticism, and analyses of popular culture.

  • Sales Rank: #1000395 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: British Film Institute
  • Published on: 1987-03-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.13" h x .88" w x 6.13" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 368 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

"A challenging and broadening read." -- Financial Times

About the Author
Christine Gledhill is Professor of Cinema Studies at Staffordshire
University.She has written numerous articles on feminist film
criticism, on melodrama, and on British cinema. Her recent publications
include the coedited anthologies, Nationalising Feminity: Culture, Sexuality and British Cinema in the Second World War (1996) and Reinventing Film Studies (2000).

Most helpful customer reviews

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Home is Where the Heart Is: Studies in Melodrama and the Woman's FilmFrom Brand: British Film Institute PDF
Home is Where the Heart Is: Studies in Melodrama and the Woman's FilmFrom Brand: British Film Institute PDF

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

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Intelligence and Intelligence Testing, by Richard B Fletcher, John Hattie

Have you ever wondered what IQ is and how it is measured? Why is there such a premium placed on high IQ? What do we mean by intelligence? What does your IQ score mean?

There can be no denying the enduring appeal of IQ over the last century. It is probably one of the most misunderstood yet highly researched psychological constructs ever. Such has been the controversy surrounding this topic that it is difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Intelligence and Intelligence Testing is a text that aims to address that.

This book examines the controversial psychological construct that is IQ, discussing and reviewing the history and current status of the research on intelligence and providing an overview of its development, measurement and use. From Galton, Spearman and Binet to the relatively recent controversy caused by the research of Herrnstein and Murray, this important book makes a major claim about the importance today of ‘problem solving on demand’ as one of the key components of today’s notions of intelligence.

Chapters include coverage of:

  • Intelligence and schooling;
  • Cultural differences in views of intelligence;
  • The history of IQ testing and its emergence into public consciousness;
  • IQ as predictor of educational and occupational outcomes;
  • Psychometrics and measurement of intelligence;
  • The future of intelligence research.

Written by Richard B. Fletcher and John Hattie,�the author of the highly-regarded Visible Learning, this textbook will be invaluable for all undergraduate and Masters level students studying the theory of intelligence and the impact of testing on educational. Detailed and annotated further reading lists and a glossary of terms are also included.

  • Sales Rank: #1678918 in Books
  • Published on: 2011-04-07
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 6.25" w x .50" l, .95 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 128 pages

About the Author

Richard B.�Fletcher is Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology at Massey University, New Zealand.

John Hattie is Professor of Education at the University of Auckland, New Zealand,�and Director of the Visible Learning Research Lab.

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Very Misleading
By Lissa
I bought this book because I am doing some research on the history of intelligence testing and the description stated the book covers that history in depth. In actuality, there are a few brief chapters in the history of intelligence with the remaining two-thirds of the book being about an IQ test the authors designed for a television show. No where in the description did it mention this and it is the bulk of book! Some may find their little experiment interesting, but I am severely disappointed that I bought a book claiming to be about the history of intelligence testing and instead I got a run-down of some reality TV show. Wish I hadn't underlined a few things in the very beginning or I'd return it to get my money back. I suggest changing the description of this book to be a more accurate reflection of its contents.

See all 1 customer reviews...

Intelligence and Intelligence Testing, by Richard B Fletcher, John Hattie PDF
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Intelligence and Intelligence Testing, by Richard B Fletcher, John Hattie Doc
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Intelligence and Intelligence Testing, by Richard B Fletcher, John Hattie Kindle

Intelligence and Intelligence Testing, by Richard B Fletcher, John Hattie PDF

Intelligence and Intelligence Testing, by Richard B Fletcher, John Hattie PDF

Intelligence and Intelligence Testing, by Richard B Fletcher, John Hattie PDF
Intelligence and Intelligence Testing, by Richard B Fletcher, John Hattie PDF

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

[V683.Ebook] Ebook Download Introducing Child Psychology, by H. Rudolph Schaffer

Ebook Download Introducing Child Psychology, by H. Rudolph Schaffer

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Introducing Child Psychology, by H. Rudolph Schaffer

Introducing Child Psychology, by H. Rudolph Schaffer

Introducing Child Psychology, by H. Rudolph Schaffer

Ebook Download Introducing Child Psychology, by H. Rudolph Schaffer

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Introducing Child Psychology, by H. Rudolph Schaffer

Introducing Child Psychology is for all those who want to find out what psychology can tell us about the nature and development of children.

  • A non-technical introduction for all those who want to find out what psychology can tell us about the nature and development of children.
  • Presents the major topics of child development investigated by psychologists.
  • Pays particular attention to the most recent research findings.
  • Consistently relates psychological knowledge to practical situations, showing what psychology has to offer in real life situations involving children.
  • Learning is supported by study boxes, summaries, definitions and suggestions for further reading.

  • Sales Rank: #2913127 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Published on: 2003-10-17
  • Released on: 2003-10-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.70" h x .83" w x 6.80" l, 1.89 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 404 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

"This is a splendid book – written with great clarity, it presents the core issues, ideas and evidence on the development of children, and captures the excitement of recent research. It raises the key questions that make the study of children so exciting, and is always judicious in its weighing of the evidence to answer them. A wonderful book – accessible, enjoyable, and wise – to be recommended for students at all levels and for teachers." Judy Dunn, Institute of Psychiatry, London

"This book provides an engaging, detailed and informative introduction to child psychology. Whilst obviously scholarly, the book is eminently accessible and readers should have no trouble in appreciating the different approaches to child psychology or in getting to grips with some of the more difficult concepts. The author himself states that children are fascinating and important and this is obvious throughout the text. Each chapter explores a specific area allowing the reader to develop real insight into the world of children. The judicious use of text boxes and insets helps clarify specific issues and points. This comprehensive book should prove to be indispensable to all readers who want to work with and understand children." Bernie Carter, Professor of Children's Nursing, University of Central Lancashire

"This is an excellent introduction to the methods, theories and main concepts used by psychologists to describe our current systematic understanding of children and their development from conception to early adulthood. The treatment is comprehensive and crystal clear reflecting the author's vast experience and authority in the field. Schaffer's scientific rigour is matched with his fascination with and delight in children which illuminate every chapter. His measured conclusions will be invaluable to a wide range of professionals who work with and promote our understanding of children." Professor Charles Desforges, School of Education, University of Exeter

"Schaffer has written an accessible book which succinctly describes and evaluates concepts, perspectives, and research findings in child psychology and relates them to matters of practical importance in the care of children. It provides an excellent introduction for students new to the subject and to those embarking on university courses." Pamela Calder, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, South Bank University

"The book assumes no previous knowledge, but at the same time is rich and penetrating: its style is engaging, and research findings are reported clearly ... as well as communicating the excitement of the field as a whole ... The book is beautifully presented, and is a pleasure to use ... Introducing Child Psychology is a book to enjoy, and to recommend both to trainees and to experienced psychologists." Peter Appleton, Clinical Psychology

From the Back Cover
Introducing Child Psychology is for all those who want to find out what psychology can tell us about the nature and development of children. Assuming no prior knowledge, it is designed to suit students of psychology at school or university, those training to work with children in a variety of different professional roles, or general readers who are interested in what makes a child ‘tick’.

The book begins with an explanation of the aims and principles of child psychology as a scientific discipline, and describes the methods used to obtain knowledge about children. It then goes on to present the major topics of development that have been investigated by psychologists, paying particular attention to the most recent research findings.

Throughout, psychological knowledge is consistently related to practical issues, showing what psychology has to offer in real-life situations involving children.

About the Author
H. Rudolph Schaffer is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, and has written extensively on various aspects of child development. His recent publications include Making Decisions About Children (2nd edition, Blackwell Publishers, 1998) and Social Development (Blackwell Publishers, 1996). He is also editor of the journal Social Development.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By eiraweb
Really interesting book and fast shipment. Thank you.

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Introducing Child Psychology, by H. Rudolph Schaffer PDF

Introducing Child Psychology, by H. Rudolph Schaffer PDF

Introducing Child Psychology, by H. Rudolph Schaffer PDF
Introducing Child Psychology, by H. Rudolph Schaffer PDF

Senin, 13 Januari 2014

[J430.Ebook] Download What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton

Download What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton

Spending the extra time by checking out What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes To A Better Interview, By Russell Tuckerton could supply such excellent experience even you are simply sitting on your chair in the workplace or in your bed. It will certainly not curse your time. This What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes To A Better Interview, By Russell Tuckerton will lead you to have more priceless time while taking remainder. It is really delightful when at the midday, with a mug of coffee or tea as well as an e-book What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes To A Better Interview, By Russell Tuckerton in your kitchen appliance or computer screen. By enjoying the views around, below you could start reading.

What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton

What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton

What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton

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What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton

"What if one book could change your life this year?"
Featured in Business Insider (Nov 6, 2014)

Featured in Woman's World Magazine (Jan 12, 2015)

Over 6000 people have been helped by this book!

Stop Making Mistakes Candidates Make Over and Over Again - Do You Want the Job?

Learn from my 20 years of interviewing and hiring people just like you, across multiple Fortune 500 companies.�

Don't take my word for it - read the real stories of how people landed their dream job with this information.

You're qualified for the job - it should be yours. Let me show you what goes through the head of the interviewer so you can use it to your advantage. An advantage others won't have.

I've captured a highly condensed set of recommendations in this book that will put you in the very small set of interviewees that will stand above other candidates.

Whether you are seeking an entry level or an experienced management position these recommendations will give you the edge. I see "bad" behaviors across all levels of interviews, without candidates even being aware of what they are doing that prevents them from being hired.

You don't need to memorize 101 interview questions and answers.
You need actual experiences from the other side of the table to guide you.

Listen to Hiring Managers - Is the book you're reading now written by the person who decides to hire you, or by someone else involved in the process such as a recruiter or human resources role? If so their guidance may get you an interview, but won't give you insight into what goes through the manager's head.

Scroll up and grab your copy today. Learn how to bring your BEST self to the job interview!

Cover Design by Melody Simmons of eBookindiecovers

  • Sales Rank: #36128 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-12-29
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .11" w x 6.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 48 pages

Featured in Business Insider (Nov 6, 2014)

Featured in Woman's World Magazine (Jan 12, 2015)

"...As a manager that often conducts interviews and ultimately performs the hiring, I wanted to see if the experiences presented aligned with mine. In a nutshell, it was a concise echo of all that I have seen and experienced myself over the last several years. For all the people I pass up, I wish I c!ould give them a copy of this book for their next interview--they certainly would perform much better if they took these suggestions to heart." - Mike M. (Manager)
"I have been unemployed for over a year and have been on numerous interviews that I thought went well...but no offers came in. Last month I had 2 interviews in the same week and really wanted - and needed - an offer. I read this book and really listened to what Russell said. WOW!! I got an offer from each employer and I got to pick which job I really wanted. I start in 2 weeks. Amen!" - Chris F. (Landed the job in 2015)

From the Author
I wrote this book to help people - plain and simple. After hiring hundreds of people throughout my career, and rejecting hundreds more after an interview, I wanted to concisely demonstrate how to think about an interview. It is critically important that you come in prepared and are able to understand the intent behind each question so you can frame your answer around what the interviewer is looking for.
Memorizing 100's of questions and answers is not optimal - in fact it makes you come across as a robot, leads to you being flustered, and the entire interview becomes all about how well you memorize facts.

I value each and every review that is left on my book and emails sent to me from my web site - your feedback provides the context for me to address challenges your are facing in my future books and articles on my blog.

I know you will find my extensive experiences from the other side of the desk helpful, and look forward to hearing about your success.

About the Author
Russell Tuckerton is the pen name used by a highly successful corporate executive in the technology industry.
With a BS in Computer Engineering from Ohio State University, and a Masters of Science from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Russell has leveraged his education to catapult his career, reaching a Vice President position at the age of 32.
Now in his late 40s, Russell has managed projects with budgets up to 50 million dollars, and has honed his executive, people management, and hiring skills at companies such as Microsoft, Intuit, Motorola, as well as being on the ground floor of 3 startups [the first of which was in college]. He is very experienced in both large corporate environments as well as small startup companies.AAA
Russell has interviewed hundreds of candidates, hired and managed hundreds more, and has seen everything possible in an interview for both entry level and director level positions.
Frequently interviewed by leading magazines, he emphasizes understanding why a question is being asked versus memorizing countless questions and answers. He hires people who are genuine, confident, team players, and who demonstrate passion and knowledge about his company and the role he has open. He has mentored dozens of individuals across multiple companies and enjoyed watching them grow both personally and professionally.
After living in Chicago, Seattle, and Los Angeles for his career, he has chosen to call Denver, CO home, where he lives with his wife and two children.
You can learn more about Russell, and read his latest observations and management insights on his career blog at Interview-Aid.com

Most helpful customer reviews

18 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
Concise book that gives you what you need, when you need it.
By Nathan Mercer
I work in a career center and there are points made in this book that other books of much longer length and very pricey just don't seem to touch on. This should be in everyones library to read at least a few days before the interview so you can really digest some of the wisdom that the author is shares.

Some points that I really like - "This is about what you can do for my team and my company." Sounds simple, right? But how many times do people go on and on about what they are looking for in a company or what their needs are. The hiring manager doesn't want to hear your problems - they want to hear the reasons why you should be chosen over everyone else.

The other thing that hits home is the point that the "interview starts when you get out of your car." Treating the receptionist in an unprofessional manner might doom you before you even start!

The bulk of the book covers a few different questions with examples of good responses, poor responses, and what to do if you having something negative in your past that needs to be addressed. This is done for each question!!

One of the best sections is the insight as to "Why" the question is being asked in the first place.

Tuckerton gives sage advice and really tries to change the paradigm of the reader. You need to think like a hiring manager when you go for an interview, not an interviewee!

Thank you very much for this wonderful resource!

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Short and to the point!
By Sunshine from Bean Town
I read this in 30 minutes. I have a few other such books written by recruiters. They are filled with "steps," acronyms, etc, too much info, too wordy. Your book was helpful to me because I do tend to ramble, and often have felt, yes I am good on paper, but the actual interview flops. After reading your book I now realize my mistakes and am energized on what things I will now do differently.

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Helped me land a job!
By Saesomething
I have never taken the time to write a review for a book, but I felt compelled to share my experience with the author and other job seekers. After interviewing a dozen times during my job search and never getting an offer, it occurred to me that interviewing was not my strength. Whenever the interviewer asked me a question, I would start blabbering some story that had no discernable thesis or I would be too painfully honest in my answers. Essentially, I could turn off a prospective boss with astonishing efficiency.

I knew this was an area where I needed some guidance. Russell Tuckerton gives excellent guidance. He has sat through hundreds of interviews as the interviewer and has seen every mistake that a job candidate could make. He shares what those mistakes are and why they are mistakes. At 45 pages, his insight is both comprehensive and concise.

I cannot stress enough how much this book helped me. After landing another interview, I bought this book, read it, and applied it. That night, my husband and I did a mock interview using the suggestions Tuckerton gave. I walked into the interview feeling confidant. I followed Tuckerton's advice and gave clear and concise answers. And guess what....I LANDED THE JOB!!

After I was offered the job, the job recruiter said that everyone was "very impressed" by my interviewing skills. Because of this book, I was able to better communicate my skills and assets.

So listen, if you feel like you are sabotaging yourself during your interview, I get it. I really do. Interviews are a hard game to play (especially for the unprepared.) However, Tuckerton's book helps you see through the eyes of the interviewer and it helps you walk into your interview prepared. I cannot stress how essential this book was to me in my success.

Please do buy this book and spread the word. Every job seeker needs to read this book.

See all 106 customer reviews...

What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton PDF
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What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton Doc
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What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton PDF

What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton PDF

What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton PDF
What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, by Russell Tuckerton PDF

Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

[M352.Ebook] PDF Download New Kitchen Garden (DK Living), by Anna Pavord

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New Kitchen Garden (DK Living), by Anna Pavord

The New Kitchen Garden -- a fully illustrated guide to creating fruit and vegetable gardens that are both decorative and productive.

  • Sales Rank: #2667559 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: DK ADULT
  • Published on: 1999-06-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.20" h x .64" w x 9.22" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 208 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Amazon.com Review
"To Vanessa," runs the dedication to Anna Pavord's yardstick manual of creative kitchen gardening, "who planted a weed garden." None of your boring rows of antediluvian cabbages here, then: Pavord's vision of a "new kitchen garden" is a flexible contemporary version of that long-vanished institution, the potager, a garden where special vegetables were grown with flowering plants in arrangements that were both productive and pleasing to the eye. Pavord's contemporary spins on the theme include an alcoholic hedge and a city larder, but traditional designs get a look-in, too; even the oh-so-precious formal herb garden receives a much-needed fillip of imagination and color.

Pavord traces the historical accidents that set vegetables off from flowering plants, to the detriment of both, in an introduction full of the "buttery bonus" of artichokes and the "elegiac performance of a mature pear." Past the verbiage lie row upon row of well-tended plant lists; instructions on planting, growing, harvesting, and storing; recommended cultivars; and homely recipes to feed that Laura Ashley moment. DK Living's surgical house layout has set many a set of teeth on edge in the past, but there's no denying its clarity and usefulness in a book so rich in information and advice.

For Pavord, growing food is our last and best connection to the earth. Evoking the paradisal gardens of a time when growing food meant survival, Pavord assures the reader that "there is no reason why you too should not be in that same state of delicious fluctuation." And you can't say anything fairer than that. --Simon Ings, Amazon.co.uk

From Booklist
Pavord writes on gardening from England's milder shores, but from the expert counsel she provides here on the popular topic of kitchen gardens to a final suppliers' list, this work is clearly aimed at U.S. gardeners. Overall, the focus is on how to plan and care for a garden that will delight the eyes and perhaps eventually fortify the larder with rations of delectable produce. Pavord offers plenty of ideas for combining herbs, flowers, fruiting trees and bushes, and appealing varieties of annual and perennial flowers. The colorfully illustrated designs include traditional, formal styles along with more accessible, basic mixed plantings. Pavord's inspirational sourcebook is also a handsome bet for dreamy imaginings by gardeners with limited resources and little space. Alice Joyce

Pavord's inspirational sourcebook is also a handsome bet for dreamy imaginings by gardeners with limited resources and little space. -- Booklist

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Great vegetable garden resource
By D. Wheatley
This book makes a great companion to Jennifer Bartley's book, Designing the New American Potager. Bartley's book goes into great detail on the historical roots of potagers and the design process. Anna Pavord's book empowers you to grow successful crops in the potager setting. I especially appreciated her treatment of fruit crops and the wonderful information on pruning and maintenance of these crops. She gives detailed info on every vegetable I ever heard of, and many I had never heard of, with directions on planting, cultivating, harvesting, and even recipes on how to serve them. She only touches lightly on design, which is why I gave it four stars. Nevertheless, I must say that I have been studying and gardening for more than 25 years and still learned alot.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
but in fairly good condition. I like it because I need this ...
By Sandy Shen-Yu Hsieh
It is a used book, but in fairly good condition.
I like it because I need this original English version to match
with my Chinese translated copy. Thus, I will know the English
names of all the plants, vegetables and fruits.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Like a good kitchen garden, this book is as useful as it is beautiful.
By Barbara W. Rochelle
Inspiring illustrations of various styles of kitchen gardens, with a wealth of information on companion planting, best varieties for different climates and soils, timing for succession planting, etc.

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New Kitchen Garden (DK Living), by Anna Pavord PDF

New Kitchen Garden (DK Living), by Anna Pavord PDF

New Kitchen Garden (DK Living), by Anna Pavord PDF
New Kitchen Garden (DK Living), by Anna Pavord PDF

Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

[Z708.Ebook] PDF Download Poke the Box, by Seth Godin

PDF Download Poke the Box, by Seth Godin

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Poke the Box, by Seth Godin

Poke the Box, by Seth Godin

Poke the Box, by Seth Godin

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Poke the Box, by Seth Godin

  • Sales Rank: #2510457 in Books
  • Published on: 2011
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
I can't believe I got Godin-ed again
By Jim Tenuto
You've got to hand it to Seth Godin.

He's a master of self-promotion and marketing and once again I found myself paying for his table scraps. This time it is POKE THE BOX, which essentially tells you that be successful you have to taken your idea and actually...start. This is another in his well-designed, nicely packaged little books. And I do mean little, 84 pages.

The book reads like a random collection of blogs weaved together with the slimmest of threads.

The book is three years old, but the world hasn't changed that much to forgive Godin's supercilious disparagement of factories, and especially factory workers. This is the worst kind of techie snobbery, looking down a Silicon Valley nose at working men and women. Perhaps Godin should spend time in factories and manufacturing facilities. News flash, manufacturing in the United States is making a comeback, primarily due to the complexity of the goods being produced. Modern factories are tributes to the integration of technology and good old-fashioned manpower.

Where I find myself agreeing with Godin is his indictment of the education system. Yes, it is a stifling experience designed to keep everyone coloring inside the lines. Initiative and energy in schools is often medicated out of our young students.

Fortunately this was a $1.99 Kindle purchase. No trees died and I spend more for a cup of coffee. A couple of good quotes, a great story or two--especially about an enterprising Canadian band--and that's about it.

Godin is one of a legion of business writers who offer pronouncements and advice devoid of any rigorous data or case studies. I would never run my company based on anecdotes.

I swear...my last Seth Godin "book."

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
All 16 copies I've given away so far have IGNITED those people.
By Mau
Look, this is VERY simple.

This book is NOT meant to be a nobel-prize winner.
This book is NOT meant to be a long novel.
This book is NOT about describing everything in detail.
This book is NOT about giving you a step-by-step plan.

This book is an IGNITER.

It's a punch in the face, reminding you that your dreams are NOT going to fall in your lap, that they're NOT going to be fulfilled by reading any more, and that you've been procrastinating for too long.

It's SUPPOSED to be a short book, to make sure that EVERYONE reads it!! And then quickly stops reading, and starts ACTING!!

I'm about to order my second 15-pack, because I carry this book with me at all times, hoping to have an interaction with someone who's at a crossroads, and being able to give them this gift. Because THAT's where this book shines.

It's a permission slip for people to do what they REALLY want to do. And... I don't know what it is about it, but Poke The Box simply GETS THROUGH 100% of the time.

There isn't a single person I've gifted this to who hasn't immediately started working on their dream, FINALLY!

One of my friends finally made the decision to move to France and chase her dream of becomimg a chef (abandoning Medical School) even though it's a much harder path, all because this book IGNITED her in the right way. She took Poke The Box within her limited luggage.

Another friend finally quit the job he hated as an insanely successful TV producer, and decided to start working on his lifelong dream of being a writer and speaker.

Another friend who's a singer decided to start sharing herself fully on social media, instead of censoring every message, worrying about what her audience *might prefer*, and she instantly DOUBLED the reactions (likes+comments) she's getting from fans.

This book teaches you NONE of that. It's not a book about social media, or being a writer, or moving to France. See, that's precisely the magic of Poke The Box:


How can a message like THAT not deserve 5 stars?!??

Don't buy this book in order to find answers. Buy it because it will generate questions!

And finally, don't buy it for yourself... Buy this for all the AMAZING people in your life who have dreams they don't think they'll ever achieve.

Give them the gift of PERMISSION and ENDORSEMENT for them to try the insane and fail, and fail, and fail, and fail, and fail, and fail,...... until they succeed.

This book isn't about you, it's about your loved ones. And you owe it to them. Go poke their boxes.

27 of 28 people found the following review helpful.
Rehash of Older Work
As background, I absolutely love Seth's work. I read his blog daily and within the past year finished The Dip, Tribes, and Linchpin.

Having said that, I'm hard pressed to give this manifesto more than 3 or 3.5 stars. While the content is certainly motivational and inspiring, the overall message and theme felt the same as his other aforementioned books. In other words, the material didn't seem fresh. There were several sections that I felt were extremely similar to his earlier work (sometimes even the examples were the same) but just not in the same depth/detail.

For seasoned Godin readers, I think you can safely skip this one.
For new readers to Seth's work, I'd steer you towards Tribes and Linchpin first instead of this manifesto. You'll get more information, understanding, and background story to many of his key points.

In the end, it's still a nice kick in the pants to get started. Do something. Now.

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Poke the Box, by Seth Godin PDF

Poke the Box, by Seth Godin PDF
Poke the Box, by Seth Godin PDF

Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

[O497.Ebook] Download PDF Thyroid Diet: Delicious Recipes for Managing Your Thyroid Symptoms, Losing Weight and Boosting Your Metabolism (Metabolism Boost & Weight L

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Thyroid Diet: Delicious Recipes for Managing Your Thyroid Symptoms, Losing Weight and Boosting Your Metabolism (Metabolism Boost & Weight L

Thyroid Diet: Delicious Recipes for Managing Your Thyroid Symptoms, Losing Weight and Boosting Your Metabolism (Metabolism Boost & Weight L

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Thyroid Diet: Delicious Recipes for Managing Your Thyroid Symptoms, Losing Weight and Boosting Your Metabolism (Metabolism Boost & Weight L

Have you noticed that you wake up tired even after a full nught’s sleep? Do you have trouble losing weight and keeping it off? Your symptoms may be the result of a poorly funtioning thyroid gland! The thyroid controls your metabolism, regulates hormone production, determines how well you sleep and how you use energy. If the thyroid isn’t working properly, you won’t loose weight. Learn the foods that support a healthy thyroid and start to control your symptoms and begin to loose weight! Written in easy-to-understand language, this book takes you step-by-step through the process of making simple recipes that are delicious and healthy! Stop feeling tired and hungry. Start eating the foods your thyroid needs so you can start losing weight! Inside you will learn— • How the thyroid diet works. • Tips for eating a quick, tasty breakfast! • Step-by-step instructions for delicious lunch and dinner recipes that are easy to make! • Tips for making craving crushing snacks and decadent desserts! • Strategies for following the thyroid diet while eating out in restaurants.

  • Sales Rank: #1947755 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-07-16
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .12" w x 6.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 50 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
If you or someone you know suffer from Thyroid problems ...
By Caitlin Frazier
If you or someone you know suffer from Thyroid problems then following this diet might prove to be beneficial. You will learn a lot about the thyroid, what it does, the hormones and how they interact with it and more. After all the aim of the book is to help you manage your thyroid symptoms, lose weight and increase your metabolism and therefore, the book covers thyroid imbalances, and how to correct them, along with the diet formulated for this problem. You get a list of what to eat and how to use that to lose wight which can be hard otherwise.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Demetra S. Gerontakis
Thyroid is a serious health problem which unfortunately is not dealt with as it should. This Thyroid diet recipe book is a great guide to help better understand the problem, how to cope with it and how to eat right helping the thyroid gland to work correctly. Our thyroid gland is the key to a good working metabolism and it is our duty to watch our diet and exercise program to keep it running smoothly. The author has a wonderful collection of recipes to help us achieve this. Highly recommended!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
One Star
By Addicted2GRACE
I hate the fact that anyone can now publish. This booklet is not of good quality

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Thyroid Diet: Delicious Recipes for Managing Your Thyroid Symptoms, Losing Weight and Boosting Your Metabolism (Metabolism Boost & Weight L PDF

Thyroid Diet: Delicious Recipes for Managing Your Thyroid Symptoms, Losing Weight and Boosting Your Metabolism (Metabolism Boost & Weight L PDF
Thyroid Diet: Delicious Recipes for Managing Your Thyroid Symptoms, Losing Weight and Boosting Your Metabolism (Metabolism Boost & Weight L PDF