Ebook Abrogation in the Qur’an and Islamic Law (Routledge Studies in Religion), by Louay Fatoohi
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Abrogation in the Qur’an and Islamic Law (Routledge Studies in Religion), by Louay Fatoohi

Ebook Abrogation in the Qur’an and Islamic Law (Routledge Studies in Religion), by Louay Fatoohi
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This book examines in detail the concept of "abrogation" in the Qur’an, which has played a major role in the development of Islamic law and has implications for understanding the history and integrity of the Qur’anic text. The term has gained popularity in recent years, as Muslim groups and individuals claim that many passages about tolerance in the Qur’an have been abrogated by others that call on Muslims to fight their enemies. Author Louay Fatoohi argues that this could not have been derived from the Qur’an, and that its implications contradict Qur’anic principles. He also reveals conceptual flaws in the principle of abrogation as well as serious problems with the way it was applied by different scholars.
Abrogation in the Qur’an and Islamic Law traces the development of the concept from its most basic form to the complex and multi-faceted doctrine it has become. The book shows what specific problems the three modes of abrogation were introduced to solve, and how this concept has shaped Islamic law. The book also critiques the role of abrogation in rationalizing the view that not all of the Qur’anic revelation has survived in the "mushaf", or the written record of the Qur’an. This role makes understanding abrogation an essential prerequisite for studying the history of the Qur’anic text.
- Sales Rank: #1658373 in eBooks
- Published on: 2012-11-12
- Released on: 2012-11-12
- Format: Kindle eBook
"The author offers a refreshing perspective to his readers to understand that Muslim scholars do not always have a monolithic opinion on subjects even as sensitive as this. The book also affirms that critical thinking is not alien to Islamic scholarship. If there is one valuable book in the English Language on the subject, this is it." Jabal M. Buaben, University Of Birmingham
About the Author
Louay Fatoohi is the Operations Director at Packt Publishing. His research interests are in Qur’anic studies, including comparisons between the Qur'an’s account of history with Biblical narratives, other Jewish and Christian writings, and historical sources. He is the author of The Mystery of the Historical Jesus (2007) and Prophet Joseph in the Qur’an, the Bible, and History (2007).
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Muslims are forbidden to initiate violence or force against non-Muslims
By Dr. Howard Hall
Despite being the most technical of all the books I have had the pleasure of reading by Louay Fatoohi, this book has successfully met the objectives of the author:
1. It is perfectly readable to someone with a limited background on this topic.
2. Its structure and presentation are logical and consistent from the beginning to the very end.
3. Its analytical and supporting documentation is pure scholarship.
4. It addresses the shortcomings of the earlier work by John Burton in such details and clarity that leave little need to read it.
This book is packed with a very rich amount of information on every page, but my favorite part was the chapter on the so-called “Verse of the Sword”: “... kill the polytheists wherever you find them…” (Qur’an, 9:5). This verse is systematically used to distort Islam and misrepresent it as being violent and intolerant toward non-Muslims. Fatoohi brilliantly puts this often misquoted verse in its proper context:
A) The particular group of polytheists that the verse mentions had broken a treaty they had with the Muslims.
B) They were also trying to force the Muslims out of the city of Medina.
C) They attacked the Muslims first (page 117).
Contrary to popular media depictions, Muslims are forbidden to initiate violence or force against non-Muslims. Violence by Muslims “…was commanded only as a means of self-defense. It did not have any element of forced conversion.” (Page 118).
The chapter on the so-called “Stoning Verse” was also very interesting. Confirming his conclusions in the discussion of the “Verse of the Sword,” Fatoohi succinctly notes: “The Qur’an permits ending the life of a person only for a just cause (i.e. the first is the killing of a violent enemy in self-defense… The second situation is having a person killed for committing murder.” (Page 187-188). This extremely significant observation should settle the debate on the role of violence in the Qur’an.
This chapter did not mention Jesus and the Injil story of him intervening in the stoning of the woman accused of adultery, but this may be due to the absence of authentic records of those events.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Why is this book not in your library!!!
By Prima Quran
As Muslims we have inherited a legacy of various sectarian and theological positions. As Muslims we are brought up to respect and revere the scholars of the past. Yet, what happens when we are troubled by a particular theological or sectarian position?
What happens when after sincere research we find ourselves questioning the legitimacy of certain sectarian, legal or theological positions held by our scholars? I went through a personal crisis in my life. A crisis in which I felt so called 'traditional' responses were either intellectually unsatisfying or completely inept. What is a person to do?
This book gives a robust and sound answer to a question that deeply troubled me; and I know troubles many Muslims. I'm thankful to Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate that there are narratives with in the Islamic tradition such as Dr. Louay Fatoohi presents here. Many people, Muslim and Non Muslim equate certain positions in jurisprudence, theology and so forth as equating Islam. Rather, what is happening is that there is a growing consciousness among Muslims that, in fact these are the views and conclusions of human beings.
Human beings who are susceptible to error and mistakes. Yet, the legacy has been that our scholastic tradition is often cloaked in an aura of unquestionable authority, without realizing that robust debate, and sharp differences of opinions of existed on a plethora of issues from the outset.
All of the great scholars have given the Muslims a great legacy, but it need not define our future.
Now with this preface aside, let me say that this was more than simply a book for me. It was more than an academic read. This book was a medicine for my heart, and a source of peace for my mind, of which I am immensely indebted to the author for.
This is not simply a book, it is a weapon! It takes a long held theological/legal position held by a majority of Muslim scholarship and systematically takes it apart, piecemeal.
The theory of abrogation is being used to cast doubt about Islam. It is being used in academic circles, and among right wing politicians with deadly force.
They ridicule (and rightly so) statements that 'Islam is a religion of peace' and the Qur'an says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion" (Holy Qur'an 2:256) That Muslims can only fight against those who fight us, "Fight in the name of Allah, those who fight you" (Holy Qur'an 2:190).
They than point out scholars like Ibn Hazm who say, well the infamous 'verse of the sword' has done away with all of that! In other words you can force your religion on others! You can also fight aggressive wars against others.
Not realizing that Ibn Hazm said this in the context of what is now Southern Spain. Ibn Hazm was making such statements in light of the fact that, 400-500km due north was a war zone.
He was trying to convince Muslim scholars of his position. He was not trying to convince Jewish or Christian scholars of his position. He could care less what they thought.
So people need to ponder. What would be the political intention behind saying verses on war abrogate verses on peace and coexistence? Think about it.
But the sad truth is that people like Dr. David Bukay in his article: "Peace or Jihad? Abrogation in Islam" use material from Ibn Hazm to devastating effect. In fact, as more academics research this issue, they will indeed question our sincerity.
They will begin to wonder if we preach a peaceful Islam when we are the minority; but as our numbers grow, will we become more aggressive and demanding. They will cite the theory of abrogation as examples of this allowance!
Next, comes the very real and very damaging theological position that abrogation presents as regards the text of the Holy Qur'an. The position actually states (at least as it concerns Sunni Islam) that Muslims do not have the entire Qur'an in our possession, but only the Qur'an that Allah intended us to have!
Though the statement is true, 'The Qur'an in our possession, is that which Allah intended us to have' it is couched in deceit. The truth is the doctrine of abrogation has it that many passages of the Qur'an, were forgotten, canceled outright or even eaten by goats!
Through and through this book from beginning to end is a wake up call. It will no doubt shake up the Muslim academia from a deep slumber. This is needed for the benefit of the entire Muslim community! That is not an overstatement!
The concept of abrogation is tenuous and indefensible for a number of reasons.
If the following narration is indeed a statement of Ali,
"Ali said to Abdul Rahman "can you differentiate between abrogating and abrogated verses" Abdul Rahman said, "no." Thereupon Ali said "Thou art damned and causeth others to be damned."
Than the whole of the Sunni scholarship is in a crisis. This is because none of them could agree upon which verses could actually abrogate what!
Dr. Louay Fatoohi shows the disparate reports from early scholars to the present that present a wide range of views in this regard.
The issue of stoning for adultery.
Dr. Louay Fatoohi does an excellent job of dissecting the various ahadith on the issue of stoning for adultery, and showing them to be patently absurd, when comparing them one to the other.
We have hadith in which the 2nd Caliph of Islam (according to Sunni Islam) mentions that he should 'write the verse of the stoning in the hadith'.
This report is flatly contradicted by another report attributed to Aisha (the wife of the Blessed Messenger) in which she claims the verse of the stoning and a verse on suckling were eaten by a domesticated animal!
The full impact of this book I feel is yet to be appreciated or felt in the larger Muslim community.
This book needs to reach as wide an audience as possible.
It has the following implications.
It challenges the dominant view that stoning is the punishment for adultery. This could end up saving lives. The Qur'an teaches us "If you save one life, its as if you saved the whole of humanity".
It takes a powerful weapon out of the hands of our Christian brothers and sisters, as well as suspicious politicians and those intent of maligning Islam, by using the theory of abrogation.
It will make Muslims reflect on why there was so much dependence on secondary sources;such as the ahadith that promoted such views.
It will make the Muslims to reflect why such a doctrine is in reality a jumbled hodgepodge of views.
As I said at the title: Why is this book not in your library! I believe in time this book will prove a turning point in shaping the debates of the Muslim scholastic tradition to come.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
a MUST read for all Muslim scholars and laypersons
By searcheroftruth
This is MUST READ book for students of Islam whether Muslim or non-Muslim who want to understand the concept of abrogation and the Qur'an and whether the Qur'an supports such a notion or to investigate if any Qur'anic verses were ever abrogated.
Many Muslim scholars believe in the doctrine that some Qur'anic verses were abrogated. They do this based on many ahadith reports and to harmonize what some (wrongly) feel may be differences between a few Qur'anic verses.
In short, Fatoohi explains how an analyses of the few Qur'anic verses used to support abrogation are misunderstood. Fatoohi also traces how this faulty reasoning started centurie(s) after the Prophet to explain hadiths that were likely fabricated. Fatoohi demonstrates how this doctrine evolved and became institutionalized over time.
Surprising to many who would read this book, there are actually three modes of abrogation....(1) Legal, (2) Legal-Textual, (3) Textual.
This issue is also of concern to Non-Muslims who study Islam.
To a lesser extent, this issue is also essential for those who are concerned about extremism. Extremism is committed by a very small
but vocal number of Muslims who refer to the principle of abrogation to abrogate over 125 peaceful verses in the Qurán calling for Muslims to have peace and co-existence and even kindness with non-Muslims.
This book is the definitive study to assess whether there is or is NOT abrogation and it is the only english book covering it in any depth.
John Burton had covered it before but that book is not accessible to read and not exhaustive in its review of the views of Muslim scholars in the past and present as Fatoohi's book is.
Fatoohi's book not only covers the classical and modern arabic literature but also the english literature.
Although the book covers virtually all the literature, it is not very long. The writing style is friendly to the reader and the chapters are self-contained, while referring to other chapters as well as page numbers within those chapters as needed.
Regarding the analysis and resulting conclusions, I am generally persuaded by most of it with the following caveats.
I do think that the Qur'an clearly advocates only flogging for adultery. There are some who say that the Qur'anic verse in surah 24 refer to only unmarried persons who fornicate and not to married persons who commit adultery. While theoretically possible, I think that is quite weak because the verses were revealed as a general rule in response to a specific issue of the false allegation against Aisha who was obviously married.
Fatoohi demonstrates how all or nearly all the hadiths used to advocate stoning for adultery and
thus potentially abrogating the Quránic punishment of whipping (but not execution) of those proven to be adulterers could have been contrived.
He does this by brilliantly analyzing the usage of certain words or phrases or circumstances and demonstrating that all or almost all hadiths can be shown to be fabricated and at the least should not be considered sound.
I, therefore, believe that on the whole, it is unIslamic for state authorities to consider stoning to be the true penalty because the decision to inflict capital punishment, especially in a such a painful manner, should require the crossing of a high evidentiary threshold.
Nevertheless, I am uneasy of asserting this because there are so many hadiths and it seems that stoning was present in the Torah. In the final analysis, we have to rely on the final revelation of God. There may have been reasons as to why (if at all) stoning was operative in the Torah such as the need to preserve the purity of the Children of Israel's lineage for they may have been particularly charged with being leaders and in spreading the teachings of Islam (submission to God) throughout the world.
Back to the core of the book....
After reading the book it appears that many if not and possibly all hadiths were fabricated to address the superficial differences in a small number of Quránic verses, and were then read back into the discourse to produce the doctrine.
Fatoohi, brilliantly shows using analyses done by both classical and modern Muslim scholars how there is actually no contradictions at all between any Quránic verses and the verses in question only provide guidance in different situations.
Before I read this book I was already very skeptical of Legal-Textual and Textual abrogation but it was based only on my common sense.
Reading the book gave me confirmation of my common sense regarding the modes of Legal-Textual and Textual Abrogation but it also made me very skeptical of the Legal abrogation.
It is not for me as a finite creature of God to question the justice of the Infinitely Wise and Knowledgable One...however as Fatoohi has demonstrated according to a matn analysis, the hadiths that are used for stoning appear to probably be contrived. In fact, I tend to doubt that stoning for adultery is a true punishment in Islam because the Qur'an states that the punishment for a slave-person is half of what it is for a non-slave. (By the way, the Qur'an does not endorse slavery...it explicity on multiple verses calls for the believers to free slaves, but it does not abolish the institution because if it did so, social anarchy and chaos would have resulted from such an abrupt action).
Fatoohi may be one of the best matn analysts in the Muslim world...mashallah! His matn analysis covers not only the purported hadiths dealing with stoning but he also compellingly refutes hadiths that are used to come up with the bizaare theory believed by some traditionalists that parts of the texts of the Qur'an were removed by God through abrogation.
His matn analysis refutes the entire scope of hadiths dealing with abrogation.
We certainly need more matn analysts...I pray that his book inspires some readers to develop matn expertise.
Interestingly, the theory of abrogation has not only refuted by matn analysis but also insnad analysis. Please google Israr Ahmed Khan with the word abrogation.
Also please google Ahmad Shafaat and punishment for adultery ... he does some hadith analysis that also shows problems with the abrogation theory.
Moreover, please google Muhammad Al-Ghazali's view on abrogation where this traditional Muslim scholar also refutes the theory of abrogation.
Finally back to the book, Fatoohi offers a brilliant legal theory for Islam.
Please read the book for that! and ofcourse the main question of abrogation!
I am not saying that everything in the book is absolute truth.....the refutation of all the stoning hadiths and the theory of the Prophet as the faqih par excellence needs to be subject to discussion and peer review. Fatoohi comes across as open minded and hopeful that this book would stimulate discussion.
Fatoohi on the side also mentions that he does not think that the cutting off the hands is necessarily meant for today's world where we have a prison system but was needed in the Prophet's time. I am not convinced on this view because the Qur'an appears to be explicit on the punishment for stealing and does not seem to qualify it. However, I would like to be open minded on this issue. Just on the side, according to the Jafari fiqh ( I am not Sunni, Salafi, traditional) or Shia ---I like to learn from strengths of all the approaches), cutting off the hands is not interpreted to mean cutting at the wrist but only the fingers to allow the palm in making prostration during prayers.
But I am confident that an objective cross examination of these views and the analysis of naskh in general would demonstrate that it is all indeed solid.
However, I am skeptical that there is enough open mindedness among Muslim scholars to view this issue afresh and objectively.
Again, this is MUST read for all Muslims in Islamic seminary schools, academic programs across the world teaching Islam, and all Muslims who want to practice their religion, and nonMuslims interested in Islam for both with regards to issues of peace but also to any nonMuslims who have misunderstood the hadith corpus as a source close to the Qur'an (as a Muslim that does not give up my critical analysis to some medieval scholars, I believe that only the Qur'an is completely of Divine origin and only it has been fully preserved and that none of it has been abrogated.
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Abrogation in the Qur’an and Islamic Law (Routledge Studies in Religion), by Louay Fatoohi PDF
Abrogation in the Qur’an and Islamic Law (Routledge Studies in Religion), by Louay Fatoohi PDF
Abrogation in the Qur’an and Islamic Law (Routledge Studies in Religion), by Louay Fatoohi PDF